This may have been the most which booking wedding booking to date. I had a trip planned to Peru, and David reached out and asked if I could come shoot their wedding. After switching plans around a little bit I made a one day stop up tp VA before peru and had a serious BLAST.
Emily is one of those one-in-a-million brides. She wanted to elope, he wanted a big wedding, so a 50 person wedding in VA was their compromise. She and i clicked right away and honestly the whole day i felt like an honorary bridesmaid more than vendor.
Also. PLEASE scroll through to the end because that sunset on the beach is errythang.
David and emily recently moved to Colorado, and honeymooned in New Zealand. I'm just going to throw it out there and say, if you want to bring me on your honeymoon for a day or two... I'm not going to complain :)