I've tried to start a blog for this wedding about 5 times, and while sometimes words come easy, sometimes they don't.
I expected there to be tears at this wedding. I actually expected it to be a big sob fest. But this wedding was full of peace and joy. so much joy it was almost overwhelming, so much peace I would have to remind myself to pick up my camera. The Lord was such a centerpiece of this event it took my breath away. Maybe it was because it was Cady's second wedding, and this bridal party has been together for many weddings together.. But mainly I think it was the presence of the Lord, and redeeming love and second chances at happiness.
Better to have love and lost, then never loved in the first place.
Cady and I went to school together, and while we weren't close, I always admired her. when Cady walked into a room her hilarious sunshine presence affected everything around here. When she smiled, the whole room smiled. She started dating a guy named Jordan, and then I and thousands of other friends and acquaintances watched and followed their love story as he was diagnosed with and battled cancer, all with Cady by his side. They got married, and less then a year later the unbelievable happened. He died. Read Jordan + Cadys blog as they battled cancer together here
Through it all Cady's faith never wavered. and through her journey many doors opened up to share about her love and faith at places like Good House Keeping and even doors open Cosmo! Ready Cady's interview with Cosmo here.
Jon and Cady knew each other for years. He was best friends with Jordan, and was even in their wedding. I don't know when everything started to shift after Jordan passed away, but you can read as He shares about dating his best friends widow here. SIde note. Jon is the KING of puns... and hilarious videos. you need NEED to take a few minutes and watch his youtube videos DON"T BE THAT GUY from a few years ago.
So while words fall short, I do have pictures and those speak volumes.
To Jon + Cady. May you keep inspiring other with your contagious joy, unwavering faith and unending love.

DRESS: Davids Bridal
VENUE: Dresser Mansion
MUSIC: Will Retherford, Jason Swanson